The Electrotechnics Application (Transformers), “AEL-AI13-D”, is a basic application which has been designed by EDIBON to introduce the students in the basic concepts about how three-phase and single-phase transformers work.
Transformers are used extensively in the industry. For example, a step-up transformer is needed in power plants in order to avoid losses in the transmission lines. The customers consume energy in another level voltage, so a step-down transformer is needed now. Besides, transformers are used in electronic devices to decrease the supply voltage to a level suitable for the low voltage circuits which they contain.
This application is provided with a set of practical exercises, which the user will understand how to work with different types of transformer. The student will learn to assemble single phase and three-phase transformers, realize connections, study the three-phase autotransformer and analyze the behavior of this important machine.
